
Entri berawalan tj terdapat di bawah t di kamus asli. Dipindahkan ke sini untuk menyesuakan ejaan dengan EYD ( tj > c)

ceke, subst., S., Messer, Tischmesser.
cere, subst, (vom mal. tjiereh = Krahn), S., Teekessel.
ciacia, subst., S., sieh. kiliŵi.
ciala, man-, v.a., S., verfolgen (einen Weg).
cibo, man-, v. a., S., sieh. tibo.
cici, v. n, S. sieh. ti’i.
ciga, man-, v.a., S., sieh. diga.
cika, man-, v. a., S. sieh. tika.
cikoi, man-, v. a., S., sieh. tikoi.
cili, man-, v. a, S. werfen (mit etwas).
ciloi, man-, v.a., S., sieh. diloi unt. ilo, (g).
cimba, man-, v. a, S. sieh. timba; cimba’ö li, man-, v. a. S. gegenreden.
cimbao, subst., S., sieh. tumbao.
Cina, subst., S., sieh. Sina.
cinakö, subst., S., Schmalz.
cita, man-, v. a., (mal.), S., drucken.
ciuciu, subst., sieh. tiutiu.
cöbi, man-, v. a, S., sieh. söbi.
cukacuka, subst., S., Käfig.
curu, roko curu, subst., S., europäische Cigarre.

  • I dedicated this work to the people of Nias, who speak Niassan and share the concern that it is declining (disapperaring) fast. I was looking for ways to encourage the use of Nias language between Niassan who were active on social media, when I found this old Nias dictionary. This could contribute to the perservation of Nias language in the digital age.

  • Taken over from H. Sundermann, Niassisch-deutsches Wörterbuch, 1905. Considering that the author died more than 100 years ago (Indonesian copy rights set the expiry date of a work 75 years after the publication or the death of the author) I am confident that I could take some of its contents and put it here, so that the people of Nias can benefit from it.

  • I made some changes in order to comply with the Indonesian spelling rules (EYD) Nias children learn at school. So the letter oe is now u, j is y and ch is kh. Consequently I moved the entries started with those characters to its correct position in latin alphabet of Indonesian.

  • When necessary I added pronounciation between {} if certain word has different accent, which changes the meaning.